If work is about to begin on or near a Party Wall, a Party Wall Notice must be served to the affected neighbors. This is a legal procedure to avoid a future Party Wall Act Dispute in litigation.
We will learn how to serve a Party Wall Notice and when it is too late to obtain a Party Wall Award in this article.
What is a Party Wall Surveyor?
A Party Wall Surveyor is a wall that separates and is shared by two or more buildings, each of which has a different owner. A Party Fence Wall is an external Party Wall that does not form the internal Party Wall but stands on the shared property of two or more owners.
What is a Party Wall Notice?
A written Party Wall Notice must be sent by the neighbor who intends to carry out construction work on a Party Wall or other affected works covered by the Act. If the receiving party agrees to the works without objections, they must consent to the notices in writing before the construction work can begin. Otherwise, a Party Wall Act Dispute is presumed to have occurred.
When should you send a Party Wall Notice?
A Party Wall Notice must be sent one to two months before construction work begins. In the case of excavation, a Party Wall Notice must be sent to the adjoining party, detailing the work to be done with relevant detailed drawings.
When does it become too late to serve a Party Wall Notice?
The Party Wall Notice must be sent one to two months before construction begins.
If the neighbor(s) do not respond, the matter must be resolved by appointing Surveyors, one for each party, as a Party Wall Act Dispute has occurred. They will survey both structures and draught a Party Wall Agreement.
If someone fails to serve the Party Wall Notice and then starts building without consent or a Party Wall Award, they may be liable for litigation costs under the Party Wall Act Compensation. When construction work has advanced significantly, the responsibility for proving pre-existing damage may shift from the Adjoining Owner to the Building Owner.
How Long Will It Take to Draft A Party Wall Agreement?
The processing for the Party Wall Agreement can begin once all the construction information and some essential details about both parties have been provided. The Party Wall Agreement takes three to six weeks to prepare. If the necessary details are not provided, the procedure can take up to two months. Both parties have 14 days after the Award is served to file an appeal in county court. To avoid a Party Wall Agreement Dispute, a person should first hire a reputable Surveyor who can serve formal party wall notices to the neighbors.
Not sure when you should get a Party Wall Award? Do you require assistance or advice regarding a Party Wall Act Dispute? Do you have any questions about the Party Wall Agreement? Consult the Surveyors at Adam Joseph Chartered Surveyors for free advice. They can provide a dependable Surveyor, solve all problems related to Party Wall construction, and assist you in obtaining Party Wall Act Compensation.
Adam Joseph Chartered Surveyors is a trading name of Sherling & Partners Limited
Website: https://www.sherlingandpartners.co.uk
Registered Address: Balfour House, Suite 206, 741 High Road, North Finchley N12 0BP
Company Number: 10621087
VAT Number: 265816036
We serve clients in East Ham, Putney, North London, Essex, Finchley,
Birmingham, Richmond and Cambridge.
Our services includes Party Wall Surveyor & Level 3 Building Survey